
Find promotional material and important documents to download in one place.

Individual Fees and Dates at CIE 2024-2025

CIE Brochures:

CIE’s official brochure

Speedy English Intensive or IELTS brochure 2024

Speedy English Intensive or IELTS brochure 2024 (in Arabic)

Foundation Course brochure 2024

Summer 2024 activities schedule

All You Need to Know:

This booklet introduces you to prepare your travel to the UK and study at the college in Oxford before leaving your country, as well as keeping safe in a new city.

All you need to know for seniors (CIE campus – 15+) 2024

All you need to know for juniors  (junior campus – 12-17 years) 2024

Online Placement Test:

This test is necessary to be completed for all students except Junior summer course at Wychwood at least 4 weeks before starting the course.

Online Placement Test 

Online Safety: 
This booklet includes the safeguards need to be in place to ensure children are kept safe at all times.

Online Safety Agreement

Photography and Image Sharing Guidance 

Social Media and Online Safety

E-Safeguarding Policy 

Prevent Policy

Under 18s policy – 2024

Career advice and Guidance Information 

Career advice and Guidance

Enrolment Form:
This form introduces you to understand our terms and conditions when you book our courses.

Enrolment Form for all courses

Parental Consent Form under 18’s

Parental Consent Form for under 18’s staying away from home stay accommodation 

Parental Consent form for under 16’s travelling unaccompanied from airport to Oxford 

Complaints From:

This form is to use for any complaints to submit to us.

Complaints Form

Find out more about:

Our friendly team is here to help you! All of our teachers are qualified and have a range of experience.
Most CIE students stay with our host families. This gives you a unique opportunity to live a British life.