1 - Aims
2 - Absence
3 - Alcohol and Drugs
4 - Anti-Bullying
5- Appointed First Aiders
6 - Child Protection / Safeguarding
7 - Disability
8 - Disciplinary Rules
9 - Disciplinary Rules for Under 18s at CIE
10 - Disciplinary Rules for Under 15s at CIE
11 - Health and Safety
12 - Smoking
13 - Complaints Procedure
14 - Recruitment and Appointment of Staff
15 - Privacy Policy
16 - Data Protection Policy
17 - Emergency Response Policy
18 - Role of the Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL) and Deputy
Please see Our Aims for further details.
CIE regards unnecessary absence from lessons as a serious issue because it:
All teachers keep an attendance record of their students and inform Simon as soon as an unexplained absence occurs – i.e., if a student has not turned up to the first expected contact at 9:00 A.M. Simon will know at 10:00 A.M. (the first break).
and he will inform Reception who will ring the student (and, if necessary, host family) asking for a reason for the absence, or leaves voice message advising the student/host family to contact the school with an explanation.
If the principal considers there is a concern, i.e. health issue, personal issue or other, details are passed to the Welfare Officer to deal with in more detail.
If the student is expected to be present the following day and is not, they will be spoken to by their personal tutor, who will reiterate the UKBA rules on 10 missed contacts as well as our own policy of 90% attendance. The student will be monitored and if, at a later date, the absenteeism occurs again or attendance drops to 90%, Simon will speak to the student again and inform the agent.
If attendance drops below 90%, or if the absenteeism occurs again, Simon will arrange a meeting with the student and their agent/parent – or will send a written warning to the agent/parent as well as to the student – informing them that unless there is no improvement, the UKBA will be informed and the student will be asked to leave.
If the problem continues, and the student shows no indication of trying to conform to what the school requires, the student will be asked to leave and the Home Office informed.
Students will be made aware of UKBA rulings on expected contacts: if they miss 10 expected contacts (i.e., 10 consecutive days) without an adequate explanation (e.g., illness which is supported by a doctor or the host family), they will be asked to leave and the UKBA will be informed.
Being under the influence of alcohol and the use of illegal drugs is just one Health and Safety risk in the work place, not only to yourself but to that of your colleagues. With this in mind, CIE’s policy on alcohol and illegal drugs is clearly set out below to ensure the safety of all concerned. The policy also applies during lunch and break times.
Students found to be in breach of this policy may be subject to disciplinary action being taken against them. Students suspected of being under the influence of alcohol or illegal drugs will be suspended from their classes immediately. Such suspension may result in being invited to attend a disciplinary meeting, which ultimately may lead to expulsion.
Bullying is understood to be behaviour which makes others feel uncomfortable or threatened, whether intended or not.
There are different forms of bullying:
All staff and pupils at CIE are encouraged to establish and maintain happy and harmonious relationships to ensure that students can thrive without fear.
Students are encouraged to seek help whenever it is needed, whether it be for themselves or for others, and they are reminded that help can be sought from many different people.
Concerns about bullying should be raised in the first instance with a person who may be able to help, for example, Simon, a teacher, the Accommodation Officer or Welfare Officer. After discussion the matter will be investigated with the other person(s) concerned, and appropriate action taken.
A full factual record will be taken and the member of staff will monitor the situation.
The principal will be informed immediately, and the parents will be contacted if appropriate.
Students should be aware that although the matter will be discussed in confidence, information may sometimes need to be forwarded and further help sought.
In order to protect the wellbeing of our employees and to promote a safe working environment, CIE have appointed persons/first aiders in place to deal with any emergencies. Such personnel are trained to the required standard and identified around the building.
1 Introduction
1.1 This policy has been developed in accordance with the principles established by the Children Act 1989 and in line with Oxfordshire Safeguarding guidelines.
1.2 The management at CIE takes seriously its responsibility under section 11 of the Children Act and duties under “working together” to safeguard and promote the welfare of children; to work together with other agencies to ensure adequate arrangements exist within our setting to identify, and support those children who are suffering harm or are likely to suffer harm. We recognise that all staff have a full and active part to play in protecting our pupils from harm, and that the child’s welfare is our paramount concern. Our school should provide a safe, caring, positive and stimulating environment that promotes the social, physical and moral development of the individual child free from discrimination or bullying where children can learn and develop happily.
1.3 The aims of this policy, which applies to all staff and volunteers working at CIE, are:
1.3.1 To support the child’s development in ways that will foster security, confidence and resilience.
1.3.2 To provide an environment in which children and young people feel safe, secure, valued and respected, feel confident and know how to approach adults if they are in difficulties.
1.3.3 To raise the awareness with all staff of the need to safeguard children and of their responsibilities in identifying and reporting possible cases of abuse.
1.3.4 To provide a systematic means of monitoring children known or thought to be at risk of harm, and ensure we contribute to assessments of need and support plans for those children where appropriate.
1.3.5 To acknowledge the need for effective and appropriate communication between all members of staff in relation to safeguarding children and young people.
1.3.6 To develop a structured procedure within the school which will be followed by all members of the staff in cases of suspected abuse.
1.3.7 To develop effective working relationships with all other agencies, involved in safeguarding children.
1.3.8 To ensure that all adults within our school who have access to children have been checked as to their suitability. This includes other community users of our facilities, following correct staff recruitment and selection procedures
2 Procedures
The definition of a ‘minor’ in the United Kingdom is a person who is under 18. However, in your pre-arrival communication with us, you will note that we will ask for different permissions for different ages 18 and under, for example we would allow a 15 year old to travel to and from school alone (if their parents sign a consent form) but someone 14 years old and/or under would need to be signed in and out of the school by a recognised adult on a daily basis.
2.1 CIE’s procedures for safeguarding children will be in line with Oxford Local Education Authority and Oxfordshire Safeguarding Children Board Child Protection Procedures, and “Working Together to Safeguard Children 2015”.
The Designated Safeguarding lead (DSL), Principal, Simon Llewellyn, will ensure that:
2.1.1 The Senior Staff understands and fulfils its safeguarding responsibilities.
2.1.2 We have Designated Members of staff who have undertaken appropriate training for the role, as recommended by the LA/OSCB within the last two years. Our designated staff will update their training with LA/OSCB approved training every two years. Our Designated staff member is Simon Llewellyn.
2.1.3 All adults, (including volunteers) new to the school will be made aware of this policy and the procedures for child protection, the name and contact details of the Designated person and have these explained as part of their induction into the school.
2.1.4 All members of staff are provided with opportunities at least every three years to receive training in order to develop their understanding of the signs and indicators of abuse, how to respond to a pupil who discloses abuse and the procedure to be followed in appropriately sharing a concern of possible abuse or a disclosure of abuse.
2.1.5 Host families are aware of and understand the need for compliance with CIE’s child protection guidelines and procedures.
2.1.6 The name of any member of staff considered not suitable to work with children will be notified to the DBS (Disclosure and Barring Service) with the advice and support of the LADO.
3 Definition of abuse
3.1 Although the definition of child abuse detailed below is considered unlikely to apply to the children in our care/ care of host families, there is still a small possibility that some individuals should choose to abuse, groom or sexually exploit minors in our care. Such individuals are able to gain the confidence of vulnerable children (i.e. children away from home in a foreign country), with a view to abusing them.
3.2 Four categories of abuse are recognised in legislation:
3.3 The NSPCC defines child abuse as:
“Child abuse is the term used when an adult harms a child or a young person under the age of 18. Child abuse can take four forms, all of which can cause long term damage to a child:
Bullying and domestic violence are also forms of child abuse.
4 Symptoms of Abuse
4.1 The NSPCC lists some of the signs and behaviours which may indicate that a child is being abused:
4.2 These signs are not evidence themselves; but may be a warning, particularly if a child exhibits several of them or a pattern emerges. It is important to remember that there may be other explanations for a child showing such signs. Abuse is not easy to diagnose, even for experts.
5 Child sexual exploitation (CSE)
5.1 The sexual exploitation of children and young people under 18 involves exploitative situations, contexts and relationships where young people, (or a third person or persons) receive something, (e.g. food, accommodation, drugs, alcohol, cigarettes, affections, gifts, money) as a result of them performing and/or others performing on them, sexual activities.
5.2 Child sexual exploitation can occur through the use of technology without the child’s immediate recognition; for example being persuaded to post sexual images on the internet/mobile phones without immediate payment or gain. In all cases those exploiting the child/young person have power over them by virtue of their age, gender, intellect, physical strength and/or economic or other resources.
5.3 Violence, coercion and intimidation are common, involvement in exploitative relationships being characterised in the main by the child’s or young person’s limited availability of choice, resulting from their social/economic and/or emotional vulnerability. (DCSF 2009)
5.4 Sexual exploitation often starts around the age of 10 years old. Girls are usually targeted from age 10 and boys from age 8.
5.5 It affects both girls and boys, and can happen in all communities.
5.6 Any person can be targeted but there are some particularly vulnerable groups: Looked After Children, Children Leaving Care and Children with Disabilities.
5.7 Victims of CSE may also be trafficked (locally, nationally and internationally).
5.8 Over 70% of adults involved in prostitution were sexually exploited as children or teenagers.
5.9 Sexual violence or abuse against children represents a major public health and social welfare problem within UK society, affecting 16% of children under 16. That is approximately 2 million children.
5.10 Good practice – Individuals
5.11 Good practice – Organisations
6 Forced marriages (FM)
6.1 A FM is now a specific offence under s121 of the Anti-Social Behaviour, Crime and Policing Act 2014 that came into force on 16 June 2014.
6.2 A FM is a marriage conducted without the valid consent of one or both parties, and where duress is a factor Forced marriage is when someone faces physical pressure to marry (e.g. threats, physical violence or sexual violence) or emotional and psychological pressure (e.g. if someone is made to feel like they’re bringing shame on their family). This is very different to an arranged marriage where both parties give consent.
6.3 FM is illegal in England and Wales.
This includes:
7 Female Genital Mutilation (FGM)
7.1 FGM is child abuse and a form of violence against women and girls, and therefore should be dealt with as part of existing child safeguarding/protection structures, policies and procedures.
7.2 FGM is illegal in the UK. In England, Wales and Northern Ireland, the practice is illegal under the Female Genital Mutilation Act 2003.
7.3 Other than in the excepted circumstances, it is an offence for any person (regardless of their nationality or residence status) to:
8 Supporting Staff
8.1 We recognise that staff working in the school who have become involved with a child who has suffered harm, or appears to be likely to suffer harm may find the situation stressful and upsetting.
8.2 We will support such staff by providing an opportunity to talk through their anxieties with the Designated Person and to seek further support. This could be provided by another trusted colleague, Occupational Health, and/or a representative of a professional body or trade union, as appropriate.
8.3 We recognise that our Designated Person(s) should have access to support and appropriate workshops, courses or meetings as organised by the LA.
8.4 In consultation with all staff, we have adopted a code of conduct for staff at our setting. This forms part of staff induction and is in the staff handbook. We understand that staff should have access to advice on the boundaries of appropriate behaviour.
9 Guidance for Safe Working Practice of Children and Staff in Education
9.1 The majority of adults who work with children seek to provide a safe and supportive environment, which secures the well-being and very best outcomes for children and young people in their care. It is recognised that achieving these aims is not always straightforward. Much relies on pupil and staff interaction where tensions and misunderstandings can occur. It is here that staff behaviours can give rise to allegations being made against them. Allegations may be genuine, malicious or misplaced. They may arise from differing perceptions of the same event, but when they occur, they are inevitably distressing and difficult for all concerned.
9.2 Staff should avoid any conduct which would lead any reasonable person to question their motivation and intentions.
9.3 A relationship between a member of staff and a child or young person cannot be a relationship between equals. All staff have a responsibility to ensure that an unequal balance of power is not used for personal advantage or gratification.
9.4 All staff are expected to treat information they receive about children and young people in a discreet and confidential manner.
9.5 Staff should not make sexual remarks to a student or engage in sexual activities with a student.
9.6 Staff should not discuss their own sexual relationships, with, or in the presence of, students.
9.7 Staff should not discuss a student’s sexual relationships in inappropriate settings or contexts.
9.8 Staff should report any behaviour by colleagues that raises concern.
9.9 Staff should not establish or seek to establish social contact with young students for the purpose of securing a friendship or to pursue or strengthen a relationship.
9.10 Staff should be aware that even well intentioned physical contact may be misconstrued by the child, an observer or by anyone to whom this action is described. Where possible, a gap or barrier should be maintained between teacher and child at all times.
9.11 Staff should never indulge in horseplay, tickling or fun fights.
9.12 Staff should never give their personal emails to students or befriend students through social media (social media contact with students is inappropriate).
9.13 Staff should not under any circumstances take photos of students using any device other than CIE’s camera or Ipad.
9.14 Staff should consider the way they offer comfort to a distressed child.
9.15 Staff may legitimately intervene to prevent a student from committing a criminal offence, injuring themselves or others or causing damage to property. In these cases any physical contact should be the minimum required for restraint. All incidents of the use of physical restraint should be recorded in writing and reported immediately to the DSL. See “Classroom expectations and behaviour”.
9.16 Under no circumstances should physical force be used as a form of punishment.
9.17 Staff should ensure that there is visual access and/or an open door to one to one situations.
9.18 The curriculum can sometimes lead to unplanned discussion about subject matter of a sexually explicit or otherwise sensitive nature. Staff must ensure that such discussion is neither inappropriate nor offensive.
10 Child Protection: Anti-Bullying (and Cyber-Bullying)
Bullying is understood to be behaviour which makes others feel uncomfortable or threatened, whether intended or not.
There are different forms of bullying:
It can be hard for adults, including parents, to know whether or not a child is being bullied as you can’t always see the signs of bullying. And no one sign indicates for certain that a child’s being bullied. But you should look out for:
10.1 All staff and pupils at CIE are encouraged to establish and maintain happy and harmonious relationships to ensure that students can thrive without fear.
10.2 Students are encouraged to seek help whenever it is needed, whether it be for themselves or for others, and they are reminded that help can be sought from many different people.
10.3 Concerns about bullying should be raised in the first instance with a person who may be able to help, for example the Principal, a Teacher, Welfare Officer, Accommodation Officer. After discussion the matter will be investigated with the other person(s) concerned, and appropriate action taken.
10.4 A full factual record will be taken and the member of staff will monitor the situation.
10.5 One of the co-principals will be informed immediately, and the parents will be contacted if appropriate.
10.6 Students should be aware that although the matter will be discussed in confidence, information may sometimes need to be forwarded and further help sought.
11 Child Protection: Student Complaints
11.1 The Children Act 1989 is a detailed and important piece of legislation concerned with (i) children and (ii) the people who have care of children and responsibility for them, including parents, guardians, activities leaders, teachers, doctors, nurses, police officers, social workers and others.
11.2 Central to the Children Act is the intention to make the care of every child in the country as sound and secure as possible. As a result of the Act, people who work professionally with children must aim to work effectively with colleagues in their own organisations and with colleagues from other organisations; and all adults who have responsibility for children, professionally or otherwise, must ensure that they carry out their responsibilities wisely, sensitively, honestly and fairly.
11.3 At CIE we support students in the following ways:
12 If a child reports abuse
11.1 Children who have a problem may speak to someone whom they trust. It is important that the member of staff sets the boundaries firmly at the outset of such a conversation, making it clear that no one can offer absolute confidentiality. A young student who is insistent upon confidentiality should be referred to an external source, such as ChildLine. If the student is only prepared to speak if absolute confidentiality is guaranteed, the member of staff should terminate the conversation at that point. The adult should provide Simon with a written account of what has transpired as a matter of urgency.
12.2 If a student decides to speak to a member of staff about the fact that either he/she, or a student known to them, is being bullied, harassed and abused, the member of staff should:
13 Action to protect the student
13.1 Information about possible abuse may come to a member of staff in several ways – direct allegation from a child that has been abused, through a friend, relative or other child, through a child’s behaviour or through observation of an injury to the child.
13.2 In the case of an allegation being made by the child concerned or by a third party it is important to remember that:
13.2.1 Defendants have been acquitted where leading questioning or inappropriate investigation has been proven.
13.2.2 It is vital that subsequent enquiries should not be prejudiced by detailed questioning in school.
13.3 A referral, either in writing, or in written confirmation of a telephone call, will always be made to the local Social Services Department to carry out an investigation within 24 hours of an allegation or suspicion of abuse have arisen. Irma will consider how best to support and monitor the pupil concerned through the process of investigation, liaising closely with parents, the Local Safeguarding Children Board (LSCB), or other agencies involved to identify the support strategies that will be appropriate.
14 Allegations against staff
14.1 All staff should take care not to place themselves in a vulnerable position with a child. It is always advisable for interviews or work with individual children or parents to be conducted in view of other adults.
14.2 We understand that a child or young person may make an allegation against a member of staff. If such an allegation is made, the member of staff receiving the allegation will immediately inform the DSL or the most senior member of staff available.
14.3 The DSL, on all such occasions will discuss the content of the allegation with the LADO (Local Authority Designated Officer) before taking any action. In our county contact should be made with LADO team (01865 810603) or email lado.safeguardingchildren@oxfordshire.gov.uk
14.4 If the allegation made to a member of staff concerns the DSL, the person receiving the allegation will immediately inform the DDSL, who will consult with the LADO, without notifying the manager first.
14.5 The school will follow the procedures for managing allegations against staff, as outlined in keeping children safe in education 2015.
14.6 Suspension of the member of staff against whom an allegation has been made needs careful consideration, and we will consult with the LADO.
14.7 Our lettings agreement for other users requires that the organiser will follow LA procedures for managing allegations against staff and, where necessary, the suspension of adults from premises.
15 Whistle-Blowing
If a teacher or member of staff has concerns about the behaviour of another member of staff towards a pupil, he or she should report it at once to the DSL. Any concern will be thoroughly investigated under the school’s whistle-blowing procedures. If there is evidence of criminal activity, the Police will always be informed. Wherever possible, and subject to the rights of the pupil, the member of staff will be informed of the outcome of the investigation. No one who reports a genuine concern in good faith needs to fear retribution.
16 Confidentiality
A member of staff who uses the whistle-blowing procedure is entitled to have his/her name protected from being disclosed by the DSL to the alleged perpetrator, without his/her prior approval. However, it has to be recognised that his/her evidence may be required by the Police to be used in any criminal proceedings.
17 Where a member of staff has concerns about a student
If a teacher or other member of staff has concerns about any pupil or incident that touches upon child protection issues, he or she should report them as soon as possible to the DSL.
18 Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS)
18.1 At CIE, we regard this primarily as a recruitment matter, and all new teachers are required to sign a declaration regarding their suitability to work with children and to agree to a DBS check if they cannot provide a current DBS disclosure. All of our host families are required to provide DBS disclosures, if hosting children under 18. Fostering arrangements with the Social Services department must be provided for children staying with a host family for more than twenty-eight days.
18.2 Your appointment is subject to the receipt of a Disclosure Certificate from the DBS which does not disclose any matter not voluntarily disclosed to CIE before or at interview or prior or during your appointment. In the event of the Disclosure Certificate revealing any such matter, you shall be liable to a review of the Disclosure in the context of the school’s Policy on the Recruitment of Ex-Offenders, and subject to an unsatisfactory review, you will be liable to summary dismissal.
18.3 As an organisation using the DBS Disclosure service to help assess the suitability of applicants for positions of trust, CIE complies fully with the DBS Code of Practice regarding the correct handling, use, storage, retention and disposal of Disclosures and Disclosure information. It also complies fully with its obligations under the Data Protection Act 1998 and other relevant legislation pertaining to the safe handling, use, storage, retention and disposal of Disclosure information.
18.4 The full policy is available in the Employment Law folder kept in the staff room.
19 The Recruitment of Ex-Offenders
19.1 As an organisation using the DBS Disclosure service to assess an applicant’s suitability for positions of trust, CIE complies fully with the DBS Code of Practice and undertakes to treat all applicants for positions fairly. It undertakes not to discriminate unfairly against any subject of a Disclosure on the basis of a conviction or other information revealed.
19.2 CIE is committed to a fair treatment of its staff, potential staff, or users of its services, regardless of gender, race, religion, sexual orientation, responsibilities for dependants, age, physical/mental disability or offending background.
19.3 We actively promote equality of opportunity for all with the right mix of talent, skills and potential and welcome applications from a wide range of candidates, including those with criminal records. We select all candidates for interview based on their skills, qualifications and experience.
19.4 A Disclosure will be requested for every employee at CIE.
19.5 As the position for which applicants will be applying is exempt from the terms of the 1974 Rehabilitation of Offenders Act, CIE is allowed to ask questions about candidates’ entire criminal record for the purpose of assessing the applicant’s suitability for the position.
19.6 We encourage all applicants called for interview to provide details of their criminal record at an early stage in the application process. We request that this information be sent under separate, confidential cover, to a designated person within CIE and we guarantee that this information will only be seen by those who need to see it as part of the recruitment process.
19.7 At the interview, or in a separate discussion, we ensure that an open and measured discussion takes place on the subject of any offences or other matters that might be relevant to the position. Failure to reveal information that is directly relevant to the position sought could lead to withdrawal of an offer of employment. In the event that employment has commenced the person may be dismissed if it becomes clear that they have withheld information.
19.8 We undertake to discuss any matter revealed in a Disclosure with the person seeking the position before withdrawing a conditional offer of employment or before taking a decision to dismiss.
20 Prevent
20.1 CIE will have regard to our obligations to prevent students from being drawn into extremism or terrorism. We recognise that this is our statutory duty under The Counter Terrorism and Security Act 2015. We shall do this by:
Link to our full Prevent policy
21 Host Families/Carers
For many students the highlight of their stay in Oxford is their host family. To continue to ensure this, and in addition to the host family guidance and Code of Conduct, the following considerations should also be taken by our families as a matter of course:
21.1 Medical Emergencies: Host Parents will contact Julie or the CIE emergency number if the child in their care is taken to hospital or has any medical emergency.
21.2 Ages: If children need to share accommodation then, where possible, children under the age of 16 should be placed in homes with other children under 16, and 16-18 year olds should be placed together (ie not with under 16s). Where children are of mixed ages Enhanced DBS checks will need to be completed on all occupants over the age of 18.
21.2 Sharing of bedrooms: Carer’s own children will not be sharing accommodation with an international student. Children who are enrolled on a course that lasts for more than 2 months should not share a bedroom. The only exception to this is children who are same sex siblings and they are permitted to share a bedroom for up longer periods if specifically requested by the child’s parents. However, wherever possible, parents should be given the option to place siblings within the same household in separate rooms to give them the best possible environment for completing their studies. It is never acceptable for a child to share a bedroom with an unrelated adult.
21.4 Curfews: Minors are expected to go straight home after school unless they have made an alternative arrangement with the host family with the conditions that they tell the host family who they will be with and where they will be. They must be home by the recommended curfew (or earlier if preferred). CIE guidelines should be reinforced to young students regarding freedom, meeting with friends, travelling on public transport, return times and so on. Any parental restrictions and/or those imposed by CIE must be observed.
To view your individual obligations please open this link and go to pages 9 and 10.
22 E-safeguarding
CIE Oxford and its staff (including Host families) will do as much as possible to keep children and young people safe. The needs of the child are paramount and procedures that are in place should relate to all aspects of the child's life whether that applies to the school setting, the social enrichment programme or the place the child is living. CIE Oxford accepts responsibility for ensuring that the various aspects of this guidance are both in place and monitored regularly.
22.1 Aims
22.2 We believe that
Link to our full E-safeguarding policy.
Link to our full under 18's policy.
CIE is committed to advancing an environment in which all applicants, students, and staff are given the opportunity to demonstrate and realise their full potential. With its Disability Policy, CIE aims to embed a culture of support and equal opportunities for students with disabilities or learning difficulties. Please be aware that there is no wheelchair access at CIE’s main premises, Bocardo House.
CIE will ensure that:
To ensure we provide fair and equal treatment of all students please familiarise yourself with the full policy which is available in the Employment Law folder kept in the staff room.
All members of the CIE community are asked to do all that they can towards maintaining a happy, calm and purposeful atmosphere throughout the school. We believe that good relations, good manners and a secure learning environment play a crucial part in the development of pupils as life-long learners.
Student Guidelines
Lessons at CIE
If you are staying with a host family, please follow host family guidelines outlined in the ‘pre-arrival information’. Always tell your host if:
If a student does not follow the school guidelines, they will receive a verbal warning. This will be followed by a written warning and if the student still does not change, they will be asked to leave.
With specific reference to “absenteeism and lateness” students will, when they fall below 90% – and after CIE has phoned the student, family or agent – receive a verbal warning. If, after a further two weeks, they haven’t raised their attendance to above 90%, this will result in a written warning which, after a further week without improvement, will result in a final written warning. No satisfactory response within a further week will result in expulsion.
Students who do not attend at least 90% of their lessons will not qualify for a certificate.
CIE reserves the right, in the case of gross misconduct, such as bullying and violence, to expel the student immediately.
All under-18 students are strongly advised to attend a full-time programme (English+ activities or Intensive English (15+)). Any under-18 student choosing not to attend a full programme must have written permission from their parents or guardians because CIE offers no alternative arrangements in the morning or afternoon. If the student is staying with family or friends while in Oxford, a tuition-only option is available that does not include accommodation or activities.
Student guidelines and disciplinary procedures outlined in Disciplinary rules 8 apply to students under 18.
All under-18 students are strongly advised to attend a full-time programme (English+ activities or Intensive English (15+)). Any under-18 student choosing not to attend a full programme must have written permission from their parents or guardians because CIE offers no alternative arrangements in the morning or afternoon. If the student is staying with family or friends while in Oxford, a tuition-only option is available that does not include accommodation or activities.
Signing in/ out
Student Guidelines
Lessons at CIE
Residential rules (Wychwood and Jesus College)
These rules must be followed:
You are expected to attend 100% of your lessons. We will only excuse an absence if your parent/ guardian or your group leader confirms you are sick or have a satisfactory reason for being unable to attend class. If you are late for a lesson or activity we will deduct 30 minutes from your attendance. If you are more than 15 minutes late for a 90 minute class, CIE reserves the right (in the interest of the other students) to refuse entry into that class and will have to stay in the school office.
Any 10-17 year old student who does not follow CIE guidelines will:
CIE reserves the right, in the case of gross misconduct, such as bullying and violence, to expel the student from the programme immediately.
*after significant improvement in the agreed period the student can return to ‘normal rules’.
CIE takes all reasonable precautions to provide and maintain safe and healthy working conditions which comply with duties under the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 and the Management of Health & Safety at Work Regulations 1999. Such compliance, and how CIE manages this important area, is contained within the Health and Safety manual located in the staff room / office. Also contained within this manual is CIE’s Health and Safety Statement and Policy which you are entitled to view upon request.
Upon commencement of employment, all employees will be trained on all Health and Safety aspects of CIE’s activities, and you are asked to place Health and Safety high on the agenda. With this in mind, the following points are designed to serve as a reminder of your duties under the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974.
Duty of Employees
Failure to abide by CIE’s Health and Safety policy and procedures may result in disciplinary action being taken against you. Such action, dependent on the seriousness of the breach, or repeated breaches of the policy, may result in dismissal.
To comply with legislation, smoking is not permitted inside any of CIE buildings. If you do smoke, this will only be allowed during authorised breaks and only in outside areas as explained to you during your induction.
Employees found to be in breach of this policy, which will be regarded as gross misconduct, will be subject to the disciplinary procedures as laid out in the CIE Handbook.
We hope you will be happy at CIE. However if you have a problem or a complaint, we hope you will find the information below helpful.
How do I make a complaint?
By talking about it or by writing it down, whichever you find the easier. You can make a complaint by yourself or as part of a group or through your parents. Complaint forms may be found in a plastic pocket on the blue notice board in the common room (next to the exit).
To whom?
If you are not happy with any of the above, please feel free to contact any of our accrediting bodies: British Council or the British Accreditation Council who will also be able to effectively deal with your complaint.
Does it matter what the issue is?
No, it can be a big problem or a small one. By discussing it, you may come up with some positive ideas.
Do others have to know?
If you are worried about confidentiality, tell the staff: they will understand. Even if you find the issue hurtful or embarrassing, do not worry: the matter will only be discussed by staff who can help you, and you will be consulted and kept informed about any action to be taken.
What will happen next?
If possible, the member of staff will deal with the problem in person. If not, the member of staff will seek the help of a colleague (for example, the Co-Principal, the Academic Manager/Designating Safeguarding Lead, or ADOS.)
If a matter remains unresolved, it should be referred to one of the Co-Principals. If there is a serious problem with which you need help or about which you wish to make a formal complaint, you should report the matter to one of the Co-Principals.
A formal complaint may be made either verbally or in writing. The Co-Principals will see you in order to clarify and, where appropriate, discuss the complaint, and you may be accompanied, if you wish, by a member of staff of your choice, a parent or a fellow pupil. You will receive a response to the complaint within 28 days.
You should bear in mind that there are people at CIE who are ready to listen: there are also outside independent sources of help available.
If, after you have followed the steps outlined above, the matter still remains unresolved, then it should be referred to the Directors who will arrange for your complaint to be heard by an independent body, Stellard Kane, who are Human Resources and Health and Safety representatives.
Applications will only be accepted from candidates completing the application form in full. With the application form please send an accompanying letter of application and a full curriculum vitae.
Applicants should be aware that all posts at CIE involve some degree of responsibility for safeguarding children. Accordingly, this post is exempt from the Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1974, and therefore all convictions, cautions and bind-overs that are unspent must be declared.
Before the interview, we shall seek references on shortlisted candidates and may approach any previous employers for information to verify experience or qualifications.
Applicants should be aware that provision of false material is an offence and could result in an application being rejected or summary dismissal if the applicant has been selected, and possible referral to the Police and/or DfE Children’s Safeguarding Unit.
Applicants are asked to be aware that the interviews will include discussion of their suitability to work with children.
All candidates invited to interview must bring documents confirming any educational and professional qualifications necessary or relevant for the post. Where originals or certified copies are not available for the successful candidate, written confirmation of the relevant qualifications must be obtained from the awarding body. All candidates invited to interview must also bring with them:
3. The Application Forms
4. Letter to Referees:
Dear xxx, I have been given your name as a referee by xxx whom I interviewed recently for a temporary position teaching English to young adults in Oxford this summer.
I would very much appreciate your professional opinion of xxx, taking into consideration the following points: a) How long and in what connection have you known the applicant? b) Teaching ability c) Working relationship with colleagues and students d) Suitability to work with children e) Any performance management issues, disciplinary investigations and any proven disciplinary offences, whether expired or not. Any additional information you can give will be most helpful. I thank you very much for your time.
Best regards
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1. GDPR Record of Personal Data ProcessingProcessing Ref2018Date of Review9th October, 2020Nature of ActivityHuman ResourcesFunctionHuman ResourcesDescription of functions carried out
Managing and supporting Personal Data Processing activities for
1. Applicants (current, past and unsuccessful);
2. Data Controller / Data Processor DetailsData ControllerThe Company (Simon Llewellyn, Principal)Details of any Joint Data Controllers
For Agent bookings the agent will be a joint Data Controller
For external Audits the Auditor will be a joint Data Controller
Details of any contracts in placeIndividual admissions / Group admissionsDetails of any Data Processors
Line Managers will all be data processors
Teachers will be data processors (limited to academic and welfare details)
Details of any Data Processor AgreementsIndividual contracts3. Processing Purpose DetailsDescription of the purpose (reason) for processing personal data
Administration and maintenance of client records and the activities required for the support and management of them for our clients, including:
1. Enrolment details,
2. Criminal records checks for group leaders,
3. Managing Performance and Conduct,
4. Managing Attendance,
5. Managing welfare tutorials
6. Managing progress tutorials
Basis for the processing of the personal data
Processing basis 2: Processing necessary for the performance of a contract to which the data subject is party or in order to take steps at the request of the data subject prior to entering into a contract (Article 6 1 b re contract of employment or for the provision of a service to commercial client.)
Processing basis 4: Processing is necessary for a legitimate interest of the company.
Link to privacy notice
Link to awareness raising materials
Prospective clients are informed about the processing of their personal data through information included in the pre-arrival form and process.
Clients are informed about the processing of their personal data through information included in the contract of enrolment / letter of engagement / letter leaving and at the point of collection when appropriate through internal policies.
The Company’s Privacy Notice published on our website
Privacy Notices are in place for the processing of the personal data of clients when this is done as part of a commercial contract.
Details of any Privacy Impact Assessments carried out
To enable company to identify the most effective way to comply with Data Protection obligations while meeting data subjects expectations of privacy e.g. introduction of new technology and will include:
Does the processing involve automated decision making, including profiling No
Is personal data used for direct marketing purposes No
4. Details of Personal Data Processing
Categories of data subjects
1. Applicants (current, past and unsuccessful);
2. Applicant’s next of kin;
Categories of personal data being processed
1. Personal details; (name, date of birth, gender, address, allergies…)
2. Financial details (in some cases);
3. Education details (in some cases);
4. Visual records.
We also process special categories of personal data:
5. Physical or mental health;
Source of the personal data Personal data will be received from client or client’s agent to support enrolment, ongoing enrolment, activities including the data subject, their representative, next of kin or other family member, auditors, educators and examining bodies, and partner schools. How is the personal data collected? Through established activities linked to the recruitment of the data subject or commercial contracts. When is the personal data collected? Through established activities linked to the recruitment of the data subject or commercial contracts. Estimate of the number of records held
Electronically: 10338
Hard copies: 2889 (three years)
Retention period(s) in place for the personal data See Human Resources Retention Schedule which is based on national guidance and business need.
5. Recipients of Personal Data (in the UK)
Categories of the recipients of the personal data
1. Data Subject;
2. Past, present, prospective and failed applicants;
3. Professional Bodies (like the British Council);
4. Law enforcement agencies and bodies;
5. Courts and Tribunals;
6. Legal representatives;
7. Ombudsman and Regulatory bodies;
8. Partner organisations;
9. Licensing authorities;
Safeguards in place for the transfer of the personal data Any disclosure or transfer of personal data / special categories of personal data will be in full compliance with the General Data Protection Regulation and established Company processes. Details of any Information Sharing Agreements in place None
6. Recipients of Personal Data (outside of the UK)
Categories of the recipients of the personal data
1. Data Subject
2. Educational Agent of data subject
3. Parent(s)/carers of data subject
4. School of data subject
Details of any transfers of personal data outside of the UK – to a third country or to an international organisation
1. Personal details
2. Academic progress reports
3. Academic attendance reports
4. Academic behavioural and disciplinary details
Safeguards in place for the transfer of the personal data Mails marked as confidential and only sent over secure networks. Where personal data is being transmitted the data subject will be informed in advance and will be in full compliance with the General Data Protection Regulation and established Company processes. Details of any Information Sharing Agreements in place Not Applicable
7. Processing Measures in Place Technical and organisational measures in place for data security and protection
PC’s are password protected.
Information is only accessible to Data Controller’s, joint data controllers and data handlers
Format information is held in Both hard copies and electronically on our secure management system
Systems data is held on Google hosts our server. To see their policy on GDPR please contact Simon Llewellyn, CIE Oxford’s DPO, at dos@cie-oxford.com
8. Any Additional Information None
Emergencies come in many forms. Some of these are:
To minimise the problems created by an emergency during an outside visit it is important that all colleagues should:
In the event of a serious emergency, it is the responsibility of the Group Leader to:
It is important that for all residential visits, a dedicated mobile phone is carried for use in an emergency. The dedicated mobile phone number should be distributed only to the Emergency Contact and staff on the visit so that the line can be kept clear.
In the event of a terrorist attack:
The designated safeguarding lead will take lead responsibility for safeguarding and child protection. This will be explicit within the role-holders job description. This person will have the appropriate status and authority within the school to carry out the duties of the post. They will be given the time, funding, training, resources and support to provide advice and support to other staff on child welfare and child protection matters, to take part in strategy discussions and inter-agency meetings – and to support other staff to do so – and to contribute to the assessment of children.
Deputy designated safeguarding leads
It is a matter for individual schools and colleges as to whether they choose to have one or more deputy designated safeguarding lead/s. Any deputies will be trained to the same standard as the designated safeguarding lead.
Whilst the activities of the designated safeguarding lead can be delegated to appropriately training deputies, the ultimate lead responsibility for child protection, as set out above, remains with the designated safeguarding lead; this lead responsibility should not be delegated.
The designated safeguarding lead is expected to:
Manage referrals
Work with others
Undertake training
The Designated Safeguarding Lead (and any deputies) should undergo training to provide them with the knowledge and skills required to carry out the role. This training should be updated at every two years.
The designated safeguarding lead should undertake Prevent awareness training.
In addition to the formal training set out above, their knowledge and skills should be refreshed (this might be via e-bulletins, meeting other designated leads, or simply taking time to read and digest safeguarding developments) at regular intervals, as required, but at least annually, to allow them to understand and keep up with any developments relevant to their role so they:
Raise awareness
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